Wednesday, March 27, 2013


     In hockey, you get a whole bunch of injuries in a season.  Since the NHL has been playing a very compact season, this year has been even worse for the players.  Having little time to rest, they're more prone to injury.  Now I'm well aware that some injuries, like Tye McGinn's face, have more to do with fights than the stress of playing four games in a row, but playing so often with little time to rest has really taken a toll on NHL teams.  The Flyers being no exception.  Below is a list of players who have missed games due to injuries this season and how many games they have missed.

Pronger 24
Meszaros 20
Hartnell 16
Shelley 12
Leighton 10
Read 6
Briere 4
Rinaldo 4
Simmonds 3
McGinn 3
Couturier 2

     The Flyers need to be healthy if they want to have a chance to bounce back and pick up a playoff spot this season!

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